Professional Quality Prints

Printing your photos is hands down the best way to view them. Images that sit on a computer are rarely seen, and electronic screens often don't provide the richness and detail you can get from prints. When you order prints, they will look exactly the way I see them on my screen (the way I intend them to look for you). I offer professional print services through my photo delivery website— Pixieset. Ordering prints is as easy as viewing your photos and adding them to your shopping cart. You'll have the option to view, download, and print all from the same website. I'm very critical of print quality, so I only source from the best labs. Scroll down for a 3-step tutorial!

Here's a 3-Step print tutorial!

Pick and Choose Your Favorites

When you receive your gallery, the option to order prints is built into the gallery, no extra steps. Add photos to your cart using the cart icon or create a collection of favorites with the heart icon. You can also save a collection of favorite photos to print later, using the heart icon.

Size your prints

There are options to print multiple sizes of photos on a range of materials including: professional photo paper, canvas prints, mounted photos, and metallic prints. The gallery provides descriptions of the unique qualities for each material and mounting option.

Crop and checkout

Some sizes of prints will prompt you to crop a photo— you can do this yourself or leave it alone. Before each order goes to the lab, I review it personally and make sure everything looks great. You can purchase photos with a credit card, or contact me to complete the transaction offline via check, cash, or electronic transfer.

It's really that easy! The print order process should be a breeze to complete, though if you have questions, I'll be sure to respond promptly via email.